
At every California Superbike School we will have a minimum of seven (7) flag marshalling points. These flag points are spaced around the circuit to ensure we can see every part of the track and then signal riders prior to that section if there is something that the rider should be concerned about. To simplify this process, we have limited flag usage to only three (3) flags.

Yellow Flag

When the yellow flag is displayed, it means you should take caution in the next section you are coming to. The yellow flag generally indicates that there is either a rider down, a stopped motorcycle, or debris on the circuit. If the flag is held stationary it usually indicates the situation is either off the side of the track and / or is one or two corners away. If the flag is waved, it indicates there is either a rider on the track and / or it is in the very next corner you are coming to. The procedure when you see a yellow flag is to slow down to a speed that allows you to avoid any possible situation that may be presented to you. THERE IS NO OVERTAKING UNDER A YELLOW FLAG. Please do not jam on the brakes and cause problems for those riders behind you, simply roll out of the throttle and look for the incident. Once clear of the incident, you may continue riding normally, unless there is another flag displayed at the next flag point.

Red Flag

At the California Superbike School we use the red flag in two different ways.

1) Waved red flag If there is a serious situation around the circuit and it is deemed unsafe to continue, the red flag will be waved at all flag points. This indicates the end of the session. DO NOT CIRCULATE UNDER A RED FLAG. This does not mean to stop where you are on the track, but simply to pull into the pits through the pit entry..

2) Rolled and pointed red flag If we need to speak to a rider during a session, that rider will have a red flag half rolled up and pointed at them as they go past the start / finish marshalling point. This means you should complete the lap you are on and then pull into the pit entry. If this is displayed to you it simply means we need to speak to you. It may not mean you are necessarily in trouble, it may be a safety issue that we are aware of and you are not, either way, you must pull into the pits and report directly to Course Control (for those familiar with race marshalling procedures, this process is similar to receiving a black flag).

Chequered Flag

The chequered flag indicates the end of the session. To maximise each riders track time, we present the chequered flag at the marshalling point. Once receiving the chequered flag, you will receive a stationary red flag. You must then pull immediately into the pits via the pit entry. This allows us to drain the track much quicker and effectively gives you longer sessions.

Black Flag

The black flag will be shown with a Rider’s corresponding number by all marshal posts indicating they are to return to their Pits, for a discussion with Course Control / Coach on their riding technique or issues with their Motorcycle.